Hydrogen as a remedy to the climate and energy crisis?

Hydrogen has the potential to become a key energy carrier on the road to the energy transition and the answer to the growing energy needs of Europe and the world. Due to the need to ensure energy security and meet the growing demand for clean fuels and electricity, modern industrialisation is looking for solutions that are as efficient as possible, safe for the environment and, above all, environmentally neutral.

Hydrogen in the transformation process

Hydrogen in the energy transition

The widespread use of hydrogen in the energy transition could have a desirable impact in modern times. Dissemination could lead to:

  • Decarbonisation of industry and transport,
  • Efficient use of electricity from renewable energy sources,
  • Creating hydrogen ecosystems,
  • Distribution of electricity in the region,
  • Stabilisation of the energy system,
  • Storage of energy in the form of hydrogen,
  • Providing industry with green hydrogen for use in production processes,
  • Reducing the carbon footprint of products and decarbonising processes.

Highlights in a nutshell

Green hydrogen is the most desirable for the energy transition. It is produced in the process of electrolysis, for which only green energy is used, i.e. energy produced from renewable sources, i.e. solar or wind energy, among others.
Hydrogen has can be used in the energy sector and in various other sectors. The greatest attention is currently being paid to its application in the following areas: transport, energy, agriculture.
This is not true. During the electrolysis of water, oxygen and heat are generated in addition to hydrogen.
- HRS stands for Hydrogen Refuelling Station.