At Go&management, we offer comprehensive support for the production, transport, storage and refuelling of hydrogen. In order to fulfil your requirements, we meet the most ambitious challenges with tailor-made solutions.

Go&management GmbH S.K., has been operating on the market for strategic investment implementation consultancy since 2015. Following global trends in the direction of sustainable development with care for the environment, we have been actively involved in the implementation of hydrogen technology on the Polish market for more than three years.
One of our areas of activity is the supply and consulting of solutions for refuelling, transportation and storage of hydrogen. Moreover, we specialise in hydrogen production technology through electrolysis.

In parallel to the implementation and promotion of the aforementioned systems, in order to fulfil the requirements of both companies and the notified bodies concerned, we are increasing the competence of our customers by offering training courses.

As a representative of the Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry, we are fully aware of the benefits of mutual cooperation between industry circles. So far, we have established cooperation with the Greater Poland Hydrogen Platform and the Cluster of Hydrogen Technologies located in Pomerania. We are eager to use the experience we have gained in real operations within the Central Cluster environment.